
jueves, 9 de mayo de 2013

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jueves, 8 de septiembre de 2011

chicos  les  dejo  un  ejercicio  que encontre  en la  web, espero  les  sea  util



Connectors of Addition and Contrast

Read the pairs of sentences below. Which pair expresses similar ideas? Wich pair expresses contrasting ideas? Use the chart to help you.

1. Their team has got the best players. Moreover, their coach is fantastic.

2. Their team has got the best players. Nevertheless, they lost the last game.

CONNECTORS OF ADDITION: in addition, furthermore, moreover, as well as, also, and

CONNECTORS OF CONTRAST: however, nevertheless, on the one hand / on the other hand, in spite of / despite, although /even though, but

Choose the correct connector:

1. Lorena seems to be quite clever. ......., she often gets low marks.NeverthelessFurthermore

2. The service at this restaurant is excellent. .........., the food is delicious. HoweverIn addition

3. I've never been to Argentina, .........having relatives there. as well asdespite

4. Jordi is a careful driver. .........., he’s had several accidents. MoreoverHowever

5. Cristina loves playing sport, ........ she’s not very good at it. andbut

6. Anna is talented at music.......... art. as well asin spite of

Some connectors have got similar meanings but are followed by different structures. Despite and in spite of are followed by a noun phrase or a gerund.

We did not wear coats despite the cold weather.

I tried to look happy in spite of feeling terrible.

Even though and although are followed by a clause.

My car constantly needs repairs even though it’s new.

My cousin and I aren’t very close, although we’re the same age.

Choose the correct connector.

1. We're studying now despiteeven though there's an interesting film on TV.

2. I’d like to talk to you althoughin spite of I know you’re busy.

3. DespiteAlthough her efforts, she failed the exam.

4. Even thoughIn spite of we were having difficulties, we felt optimistic.

5. We didn’t win the game althoughin spite of all all our hard work.

Connectors are usually written in specific places in a sentence:

At the beginning of a sentence: in addition, furthermore, morover, howevrr, nevertheless, on the one hand, on the other hand.

Either at the beginning or in the middle: despite, in spite of, although, even though.

Only in the middle of a sentence: and, but, also, as well as

Rewrite the following sentences using the connector in brackets.

1. Isabel apologised several times. Nevertheless, Pau wouldn’t speak to her. (but)

2. We decided to walk even though it was raining. (in spite of)

3. Roger works very hard to help his parents. He’s also a good student. (In addition) (Two different sentences)

4. I’m keen on Ice cream. In addition, I’m keen on chocolate. (as well as)

5. You’re late again. Furthermore, you haven’t brought your books. (and)

6. On the one hand, I’d love to come. On the other hand, I really haven’t got the time. (However)

7. Rome is a great place to visit, but it has got terrible traffic problems. (despite)

Conjunctions: AND, BUT, BECAUSE, by deinha
Find this and other conjunctions exercises in English Exercises .org
Find this and other parts of speech exercises in English Exercises .org

lunes, 27 de junio de 2011

chicos  les  dejo  este  lionk  que  puede  apoyarnos  con  lo que estamos  viendo  en  clases : 

Possessive adjectives, by Betti
Find this and other possessives exercises in English Exercises .org

jueves, 23 de junio de 2011




sábado, 7 de agosto de 2010


Chicos este espacio es de uds. utilícenlo !!!

martes, 20 de julio de 2010


El presente simple, también llamado del indicativo, es el tiempo verbal más simple del inglés. Se suele utilizar para hablar sobre hechos que constituyen hábitos o costumbres.
Se forma con la forma base del verbo del infinitivo. Este infinitivo consta de dos partículas: to y la forma base del verbo, así, por ejemplo, to eat es un infinitivo que significa comer.
Conozcamos en la siguiente tabla el presente del indicativo:

Conjugación Inglés Español
1ª per. singular I work yo trabajo
2ª per. singular you work tú trabajas
3ª per. singular he works
she works
It works él trabaja
ella trabaja
(para objetos)
1ª per. plural we work nosotros/as trabajmos
2ª per. plural you work vosotros/as trabajais
3ª per. plural they work ellos/as trabajan
La única dificultad escriba, como de costumbre, en la 3ª persona del singular; de hecho, esta 3ª persona es especial a la hora de conjugar verbos. Como regla general se añade s, aunque veremos que existen algunas excepciones.
Usos del presente simple
Este tiempo verbal se utiliza para expresar hechos o verdades generales.
The Sun warms the atmosphere. -> El Sol calienta la armósfera.
También usamos el presente simple para hablar de hábitos; en este caso, en la oración suele aparecer expresiones de frecuencia, como usually o always.
We play tennis usually. -> Nosotros jugamos al tenis ocasionalmente.
You study always. -> Vosotros estudiais siempre.
Tambien lo usamos para expresar horarior o programas (como el programa de un espectáculo teatral).
The train leaves in an hour. -> El tren llega en una hora.
Reglas ortográficas para la 3ª persona del singular
Como regla general, a la forma verbal de la 3ª persona del singular se le añade s; no obstante, existen unas cuantas reglas para una serie de formas verbales que son especiales:
1.- Cuando el verbo acaba ya en s, o en un sonido parecido como sh, ch o x:
watch -> watches (mirar) dash -> dashes (arrojar)
2.- Cuando el verbo acaba en o, también se añade es:
go -> goes (ir) do -> does (hacer)
3.- Cuando el verbo acaba en y, y a ésta le precede una consonante, tenemos que cambiar la y por i, para a continuación añadir es:
fly -> flies (volar) study -> studies (estudiar)
Observa que estas reglas ortográficas son las mismas que se aplican para formar el plural. También son las que se usan para formar otros tiempos verbales, por lo que una vez que las aprendas tendrás mucho a tu favor

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